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North Yorkshire Mayoral Candidates Discuss Public Transport Ambitions

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Tuesday, 30 April 2024 06:00

By Matthew Pells

One of the key powers being given to North Yorkshire’s new elected Mayor will be control over public transport in the county so what are the candidates plans and is there enough money?

North Yorkshire residents will be voting for their first elected mayor on Thursday.

The Mayor will have a range of powers devolved from Westminster including control over adult education, housing supply and transport.

Independent Candidate – Keith Tordoff – says if he wins he will be looking to get more money from central government to deliver his plans, saying other areas have received better deals.

Paul Haslam is also standing as an independent candidate – he says the new role will have a big impact on public transport.

Felicity Cunliffe-Lister is the Liberal Democrat Candidate, she says fixing public transport will be a major part of the role.

Kevin Foster is the green party candidate, he says if elected he will be fully focused on the role and has a plan for public transport.

There are six candidates standing for election on Thursday May 2nd they are:

  • Felicity Cunliffe-Lister for the Liberal Democrats
  • Keane Duncan for the Conservatives
  • Kevin Foster for the Green Party
  • Paul Haslam as an Independent
  • David Skaith for the Labour Party
  • Keith Tordoff as an Independent.

The audio in this report came from the Whitby hustings which were organised by Whitby Community Network. All six candidates had been invited to take part bur two of the candidates were unable to take part. We have since offered both those candidates the opportunity to record interviews on the topics covered at the Whitby hustings event but neither have responded to our approaches.

Read More: North Yorkshire Mayoral Candidates Discuss Public Transport Ambitions

2024-04-30 05:01:08

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