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‘Not a popular’ idea: Redmond School District drops proposal to merge Redmond,

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Will seek other ways to continue classes during needed renovation

REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) — As a result of staff, parent, and community feedback – much of it critical – the Redmond School District announced Tuesday that it has chosen to proceed with pursuing options to maintain and keep Redmond High School open, rather than combine it with Ridgeview High School, as was suggested.

While project planning in 2023, the district said it discovered a critical issue with the HVAC system piping at Redmond High School. The 50-year-old HVAC hydronic pipes and fittings are failing, leaking, and must be replaced.

This piping is difficult to access and is sectioned in an area of the school that contains asbestos. While the asbestos is currently contained away from students and staff, a major failure of the pipes that heat the building would be catastrophic and could cause issues with flooding and interior damage.

After multiple assessments, it was determined that it will take a year to abate the asbestos and replace the HVAC piping, requiring students and staff to be out of the school for the duration of the work.

The district and the Community Bond Task Force, composed of parents, staff, and community members, have been exploring ways to address the failing HVAC system issue at RHS. Two viable options surfaced, including:

  1. Closing the building for one year while temporarily locating students in an alternate space for the duration of the HVAC renovation and instructional space upgrades. 
  2. Combine the district’s two high schools to provide operational efficiencies and increased course offerings in career and technical education.

After proposing the high school merger late last year, the district recently held two staff listening sessions at each high school; two community listening sessions at each high school; and conducted a parent survey of all district parents.

Numerous students, parents and staff made themselves heard at the listening sessions, many opposing the idea and voicing criticism they had not been involved in or asked about advancing it.

“As a result of these multiple engagements, the district and Community Bond Task Force have chosen to keep Redmond High School open and will identify ways to best support the continuation of school operations during the renovation,” Tuesday’s announcement said.

“We know that it is a matter of when, not if, these pipes are going to fail,” shared Dr. Charan Cline, Redmond School District Superintendent. “As we strive to preserve our community’s investment in Redmond High School, it is the district’s priority to urgently address this issue.”

The timing of this decision is crucial, the district said, as it has an opportunity to ask voters to support a “no tax increase” bond measure in November, as old bonds are paid off. This unique opportunity is critical to help pay for the repairs at Redmond High School and improve other district schools without an increase in property taxes.

“It is very important that we make a decision based on what we have learned from the community. We learned that combining the two high schools is not a popular opinion,” shared Mason Rodby, Community Task Force ,member. “We need to look at the bigger picture here for our kids, teachers, and our schools, which is that we have many projects to be completed to make our schools better and more efficient.”

For questions or more information, contact Gina Blanchette, Executive Secretary, at 541-923-5437.

Read More: ‘Not a popular’ idea: Redmond School District drops proposal to merge Redmond,

2024-05-07 17:36:33

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