Author struggled with mental health after life-changing diagnosis

A woman has revealed how she started having suicidal thoughts following a short phone call with a doctor.

Annaleise Easlea thought she had cut herself shaving and it wasn’t healing around the time she was meant to have a regular check-up.

“The doctor agreed they thought it was a cut from shaving but she swabbed it for herpes,” Easlea told

A week later, Easlea was told she needed to schedule a follow up appointment.

She was nervous as, usually with these tests, no news is good news.

She booked a telehealth appointment as she couldn’t fathom being told what she suspected face-to-face.

“I had the call the next day and he told me I was positive for HSV-2 and pretty much ended the conversation, besides talking to me about antivirals,” Easlea said.

Annaleise Easlea revealed how she started having suicidal thoughts following a short phone call with a doctor. Instagram/annaleise.easlea

“I hung up the phone and I just broke. It felt like in an instant I was forced to grieve the life I had without a lifelong diagnosis and forced to accept something that a lot of people don’t have an understanding about it.”

HSV is the Herpes Simplex Virus and causes a viral skin condition known as HSV1 and HSV2.

HSV1 is spread through oral contact and is more commonly known as cold sores.

It can also cause genital herpes through oral to genital contact.

Easlea thought she had cut herself shaving and it wasn’t healing around the time she was meant to have a regular check-up. Instagram/annaleise.easlea

HSV2 is known as genital herpes and is transmitted by sexual contact.

The World Health Organisation said 3.7 billion people under 50 have HSV-1 and 491 million people between 15 and 49 have HSV-2, as of April 2023.

Easlea felt shocked and a deep sadness over her diagnosis, particularly because of the misinformation about herpes and the fact no one talks about it.

When she discovered her diagnosis in May 2023, it was a week before she launched her book Keep Swimming.

It was already a difficult time so she pushed down and got on with what she needed to do.

“After all the excitement around that started to wear off, that’s when the diagnosis really came front of mind again. It got worse before it got better,” she said.

“I really started to struggle with suicidal ideation again.”

Her book was on mental health and she had been through some rough periods in her life – she’d been part of and left the navy after six years, she’d also left her marriage to focus on her mental health.

But something about this particular news had a tight grip on her.

Although she wasn’t angry at the person who’d passed herpes onto her.

“I can say maybe they didn’t disclose to me but it’s highly likely these people might not have ever known they had it, or their symptoms were so mild they thought it was something else,” she said,

“It’s not really anyone’s fault unless someone is intentionally doing that.”

Instead, she mourned the life she had imagined for herself, fearing that her diagnosis would lead to a future filled with confusion and judgment from others.

Just a day before her 30th birthday trip to Thailand, Easlea found herself suddenly uncertain if she could even board the plane.

It felt as if there was no future ahead for her.

So, she did what she always did when she needed to clear her head – she went for a drive.

Driving for three hours, she debated whether she should board the plane.

After visiting her doctor, Easlea was told that she was positive for HSV-2.

During her drive, an email arrived from a woman who had attended her book launch.

The woman expressed gratitude for her candid speech about mental health, mentioning that it had helped her better support her son through his depression.

“That email reminded me of the power I have using my voice to turn my pain into my purpose and help others through it,” she said.

“I had this light bulb moment where I realised if my voice was still having an impact a month after her book launch, then maybe that’s why I had herpes because I can’t sit still knowing how much it impacts people’s mental health.

“There are so many people suffering in silence because they feel they can’t talk to anyone.”

She decided to board the plane to Thailand.

While on the flight, she wrote about her diagnosis and shared it with a friend.

This friend then passed it on to someone else diagnosed with herpes, who found it very helpful.

She then decided to go public with her sexual health status to continue supporting others by using her lived experience.

Now, she is using her voice to raise awareness and debunk misconceptions about herpes.

She emphasises that while physical symptoms may be concerning, the mental impact is often the most challenging.

Easlea notes that doctors typically offer minimal information about support services or general STI education.

She advocates for those diagnosed with the condition to also receive referrals to psychologists or sexologists to help navigate the initial shock and trauma.

“It’s not something that defines them, and they can learn to live and thrive with HSV. It is possible because I’m doing it,” she said.

Easlea, who is taking a break from dating, said there were benefits to having herpes, such as it…

Read More: Author struggled with mental health after life-changing diagnosis

2024-03-16 18:04:00

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