How edtech is transforming bilingual education in the U.S.

Key points:

Millions of students within the United States public school system are non-native English speakers. As this figure continues to grow year over year, true bilingual education is becoming more vital to equitably support student success.

How do we ensure students achieve proficiency with the English language while receiving a rich and comprehensive education? One that affirms and celebrates their identities and helps them learn about and understand others?

Today’s technology presents us with answers. Thanks to computer-driven translation, AI, and advanced classroom tools, we stand to put every student on a path to success with the English language and beyond.

The numbers behind bilingual education

Within three decades, the number of households speaking a language other than English has nearly tripled from 23 million to 68 million. In states like California, Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada, these numbers are even more drastic, with 44 percent, 36 percent, 33 percent, and 31 percent of their populations speaking a different language at home.

As expected, this is reflected in the United States’ student population, which also grew in non-native English learners over the last 10 years. In 2020, one survey found that approximately 5 million public school students were English learners–that’s over 10 percent of students. Again, Texas has about 20 percent of those students, California has 17 percent, 16 percent are in New Mexico and 13 percent are in Nevada.

Bilingual education’s impact

With 1 in every 10 students experiencing a lack of English proficiency, millions are at risk for struggles with reading and writing comprehension, reduced academic achievement, and less rigorous tracks of study, which lead to increased dropout rates, and lowered educational attainment and human capital.

Bilingual education has been shown to not only increase native language proficiency but English proficiency as well, as the ultimate goal should be to build mastery in both languages. If a large contingent of the United States population were to not have English proficiency, they would suffer. Some studies have suggested that non-native language speakers struggle to access effective healthcare, while others have found increases in negative interactions.

It should be recognized that bilingual education lifts all boats. In a world that is now so connected, those who speak multiple languages have much to gain. These speakers are more competitive in the workplace, see more job opportunities, and even are found to have better brain health.

Further and especially in these new days of AI, human-to-human connection, communication, and collaboration have and will only become more paramount.

Where edtech steps in

While the student population speaking languages other than English within the U.S. has rapidly grown over the last three decades, technology has advanced even faster. Now, edtech can support bilingual education in a way impossible before.

Smart investments in technology not only improve education for bilingual and non-native English speakers but also help make educators themselves more efficient and impactful, effectively preparing all students for the future.

Building bilingual materials

It’s uncommon for educational materials to be authored for non-English speakers in the native language of the user. It comes down to a simple return on investment calculation, as the number of users is too low compared with the larger market for a publisher to produce these materials in a cost-effective manner.

Educational content within the U.S. is typically written in English, and then translated into other languages as needed. Largely human-driven, this process is error-prone,  resource-heavy, slow, and costly. Since this process is so intensive, curricula available in languages other than English were typically limited to the most common, specifically Spanish, even though there are far more others that need to be served.

Today’s computer-driven translation and AI translation can translate a text with incredible accuracy in a matter of minutes. Then, human translators can check for accuracy, add relevant context, and run quality control, significantly reducing production costs and increasing the effectiveness of the text.

With cost and resource savings, more time can be dedicated to improving the quality of these texts, ultimately improving how the curriculum in languages other than English flows into and improves English learning, to create truly bilingual students.

Technology can also assist in solving the issue of the limited number of languages available. There are over 350 languages used within the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, making it one of the most language-diverse countries in the world. In fact, 21.6 percent of the population reports speaking a language other than English at home. Outside of English and Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Arabic are the most common. There are also Native North American dialects like Navajo, Yupik, Dakota, Apache, Keres, and Cherokee.

Because AI and machine learning can translate far more quickly, it is significantly less costly to create content in any given language, adding to the number of curricula offered in languages other than English.

Many make the mistake of believing that bilingual education means that you are separately teaching students in different languages forever. This is not true. Real bilingual education is developing a path that gently brings…

Read More: How edtech is transforming bilingual education in the U.S.

2024-03-21 10:00:00

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