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Utilities no longer evaluate offshore wind bids due to new legislation

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NEW BEDFORD – Three offshore wind energy developers submitted bids last week for a tri-state offshore wind lease auction and each one will benefit New Bedford economically, according to Mayor Jon Mitchell.

The March 27 letter to Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Elizabeth Mahony, elected officials and the three offshore wind developers, praises the RFP process that assigns credits for bids that benefit “economically distressed” areas.

In August, Mitchell and business leaders from Greater New Bedford sent a letter to offshore wind developers who had expressed an interest in bidding for wind energy contacts and described for them the types of investments they believe would best support the wind industry in the state. 

Mayor Jon Mitchell takes in the view, behind him, of the first ship carrying turbine components for Vineyard Wind which arrived at the Marine Commerce Terminal in New Bedford in this Standard Times file photo from May 25, 2023.

He said if the established request for proposal’s preference for “economically distressed areas” is to mean anything, investments in regions outside of Greater Boston should receive additional credit, referring to the scoring system for bids by which projects are graded.  

“As we discussed in the (August) letter to the developers, meaningful long-term investments that support the formation of an industry cluster should be accorded more weight than smaller commitments to fund regional nonprofit programs, which tend to yield less long-term economic impact,” he wrote last week. 

Read More: Utilities no longer evaluate offshore wind bids due to new legislation

2024-04-02 08:14:50

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